Soil Sampling Collaboration at CSU-TAPS

CSU-TAPS and CSU Ag Water Quality Program teamed up to sample soils from each of 90 competition plots at the 2024 CSU-TAPS field. Soil sample analysis, linked with information about grower’s decisions for nitrogen and irrigation, will support TAPS-related research efforts. 

The soil sampling team included: Wub Yilma, CSU-TAPS precision irrigation manager; Emmanuel Deleon, AWQP technical research lead; AJ Brown, AWQP agricultural data scientist; Jake Ladow, AWQP field operations technician; and Aaron Cherry, CSU-TAPS intern. 

It’s a great example of collaboration within CSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, and shows how important our partners and colleagues are to the CSU-TAPS program and the Colorado producers it serves. 

The CSU-TAPS field is hosted at CSU’s Agricultural, Research, Development, and Educational Center (ARDEC) South facility. 

(Photos by Christine Hamilton)